Weekly Update 09

So it’s a little late i admit, but i have a treat for you.

So the past week has been interesting to say the least. Many XSI/SI users are looking for a new home. It seems Houdini looks like a viable choice for many and not only are the odforce and SESI forums more active (although they already were to be honest), there has been a vocal response from a few SESI employees stating they want to help not just by setting up a forum but also in the package. Encouraging discussion on how to improve Houdini.

Not only that, but Houdini users are also welcoming this new crowd and doing their best to help them  with the transition. I have even decided to join in that effort.

A user on od|force was asking how would one go about connecting guide curves into the Fur module in Houdini. I responded with this video.

Continue to see a the breakdown of chapters.

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Weekly Update 09